Partnership with Liberty Global, Telefónica and VMO2 to build the leading alternative fibre access network in the UK.


December 2022

Current investment






Infrastructure V

nexfibre has been created as a joint venture between InfraVia and Liberty Global/ Telefónica to build, operate and commercialize a fibre-to-the-home (“FTTH”) network of up to 7 million homes in the UK. VMO2 will be the anchor wholesale client of nexfibre which will also commercialize its network to UK internet Service Providers (“ISPs”).

Joining forces with VMO2’s own network, nexfibre will participate in building a 23 million homes FTTH network and offer a nationwide alternative to Openreach, the subsidiary of British Telecom (“BT”) in charge of network infrastructure.

Compared with other European countries, the UK has both one of the highest data usage per broadband subscriber and one of the lowest FTTH coverage. The UK has also one of the lowest telecom services spend per household in Europe as a share of disposable income.

We entered into nexfibre in 2022 with a clear vision to roll-out FTTH at scale in the UK and to become the go-to alternative wholesale network and capture the strong demand for ultra-fast broadband.

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