A Pan-European renewable natural gas platform


September 2023

Current investment






Infrastructure IV

Heygaz Biomethane has been incorporated as a Pan-European renewable natural gas platform, to address the European renewable natural gas market opportunity and to leverage on the increasing needs of a broad range of industries and transportation customers for carbon neutral gas as a strong decarbonization tool.

Heygaz combines and operates 5 producing plants based in Scandinavia and Greece (2 plants were carved out of Molgas company) with one of the most advanced greenfield pipelines in Iberia. The company is also actively looking at other brownfield opportunities in the Netherlands, Italy and north of Europe.

Heygaz ambition is to build and consolidate a leading European network of biomethane production plants across a selected number of high growth potential markets through both greenfield and brownfield development opportunities, and play a key role in advancing sustainable energy solutions to a broad range of customers in the European region.

The current workforce at Heygaz comprises a multidisciplinary team of c. 15 individuals in Europe, supported by 20+ operational resources working within the plants.

Heygaz launch was also motivated by EU’s ambition to increase European production of biomethane by 2030 as an alternative and sustainable fuel.

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