20 July 2022
Speaking the same language
A whole new IT infrastructure is being built to accompany France’s rapid fiber rollout, say InfraVia Capital Partners’ asset management director Augustin Schneider-Maunoury and chief executive of the firm’s portfolio company IFT, Olivier Raugel.
How did the fiber-to-the-home journey begin in France and how has deployment fared so far?
Olivier Raugel: The earliest stages of France’s fiber-to-the-home journey began back in 2009 in a rather ad hoc manner. Then regulations started to be put in place from 2010 to try and bring some organisation to the roll-out. This culminated in the ‘Plan France Très Haut Débit’; this ambitious initiative, implemented in 2013, was designed to achieve 100 percent coverage with 30Mbps or more by 2022, with fibre extended to subscribers throughout the country by 2025.